1:1 Ayurvedic Health Counseling

In Person or Virtual

Initial Consultation
Our initial session will be focused on your health history, current state, and wellness goals. We’ll clarify what balanced health looks like for you and what factors may be leading you off course. You’ll learn to take your health into your own hands by building awareness of natural rhythms, using food as medicine, integrating movement, and lifestyle practices. My offerings are designed to meet you where you are at—creating a personalized daily routine to simplify your life and reduce stress.

First Follow-Up
About a month after our initial consult we’ll have a one-hour follow-up to assess improvements and changes based on implementing new habits and foods into your diet. Based on your progress, and interests, I will provide additional recommendations. Remember creating a healthy lifestyle is a process, there’s no need to change everything at once.

Continued Guidance
Imbalances in our health take time to develop, the journey to becoming centered in the self takes time too. By continuously working together I’ll guide you through healthy habit formation focusing on one key routine at a time. Experience very real, lasting changes by investing in yourself. Regular sessions help with accountability. Meeting once per week for two to three months allow for a deeper establishment of Ayurveda in your life. We will work together to implement and refine your treatment plan at a pace appropriate for you.

Session Rates


Initial Consultation: 90 min  $180

First Follow-Up: 45 min $75 

Initial Consultation & First Follow-Up: $225

Individual Follow-Up: $100

Package of 4 Sessions: $350

Initial Consultation & First Follow-Up to be used 1-2 months apart

Packages must be used within 6-months of purchase

Cancellations must be received 24 hours prior otherwise you will be charged in full



“Working with Abby has been an incredible experience. We started by doing an extremely in-depth assessment, going over my individual make up and then discussed where I was experiencing imbalances. Abby provided extremely detailed notes on different areas of focus to bring me back into balance. She provided amazing resources, books to read and meditations to listen to.” -Meg


Ayurveda, a Sanskrit word, means “the science of life”. It represents an impressive system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago. Practiced continuously since inception, it is also known as the sister science of yoga.

In essence Ayurveda is a holistic tradition and lifestyle that focuses on preventing disease, maintaining good health and celebrating our capacity for wellness. It empowers people to take ownership of their journey towards healing, by making small, continuous shifts in habits that often have a radical affect on health, happiness, relationships and overall contentment.