My Top 5 Travel Tips

Years of adventure travel have led me to uncover key ways to stay balanced when changing time zones….or just crossing state lines.


Bring a reusable, insulated stainless steel water bottle. In the terminal get it filled with warm or hot water. As you travel, take regular sips, both to keep from drying out on the plane, but to also ward off any bugs or viruses. 


Before you get in the car, bus, train or plane move as much as you can. If you’re planning to travel in the afternoon take a long walk in the morning. When there’s the option between an escalator and the stairs, take the stairs! When you land, wander in your new surroundings to get an idea of where you are, stretch your legs and get your blood circulating again.


Before you leave take your pinky finger, dip it in some sesame massage oil and lubricate the inside of your nostrils. This keeps your nose from drying out on the plane and adds protection from any rogue germs. Once you arrive to your final destination rub oil all over your body from head to toe using long strokes on the limbs and round strokes on the joints. This helps ground you, calms your nerves and will help you adjust more easily to any time change. 

Make it stand out


Aim for well cooked foods instead of light snacks and salads, which can create excess gas. Don’t eat when you’re not hungry. If you get board and crave a snack pull the car over for a stretch break, do some jumping jacks or get up out of your plane seat and walk the isle. Most of the time we crave a snack it’s not about needing food, but instead about wanting a change.


Travel can be stressful. As much as you can choose a mindset of ease. Give yourself plenty of time so you don’t feel rushed. If your plane gets delayed take deep breaths and use it as an opportunity to take another walk, do some simple stretching, listen to an inspiring podcast or read a book. Stress has a very real effect on the body, the people you’re with and the energy you put out into the world. As much as you can, try to enjoy the adventure of getting out of the house and into the world. 


Butternut Squash Soup


Cleansing Kitchari